Monday, September 24, 2007

Random Ass Quote of the Week

Some foolishness for y'all from UGK's Pimp C:

In XXL's October issue:

You’ve conducted some interviews recently that expressed some prettyoffensive opinions, but you only apologized for your “Atlanta ain’t the South” statement. Any other apologies you wanna make?Let me say this: That statement about Russell Simmons had nothing to do with his sexual orientation. It had more to do with a disagreement [we had]. I don’t know if the man likes Martians, squirrels or whatever, so I ain’t gonna speak on something that I didn’t see. It’s no gay-bashing with me. It’s just, be proud of what you are, instead of hidin’ in the closet. And if ya f*ck boys in the ass, then don’t be tryna f*ck with the girls, too, poisoning the pussy population wit’ ya sh*tty ol’ dirty-ass dick.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. So, is this what the straighties think these days? That we (us bisexuals) are "poisening the pussy"...interesting. No comment.

@GaryTylone said...

He's a smart one huh...